Shamelessly obsess over the things you love.
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  • 1,902

    Who Can Find Her?

    This is a group for anyone that value women as a priceless jewel. Often, women feel overwhelmingly stressed, have lost hope, are tired of dealing with the cycle of toxic relationships, or are desperately trying to attain inner peace and happiness. This...  more
    led by Joy Marino

  • 2,144

    Physical Fitness

    A group for all things fitness. Includes but not exclusive to running, weightlifting, Pilates, swimming, HIIT, circuit training, etc.


    I am not a guru. I am just a girl who has had a love-hate relationship with the gym my whole...  more
    led by Nicole Desla

  • 2,148

  • 3,029


    As we all experience life, we are likely to also experience "triggers". They can be explained as something that can cause an intense, and usually negative, emotional reaction in someone. Triggers are likely to happen in someone who has been emotionally,...  more
    led by Janine Daniels-Moore

  • 2,131

    How to Build a Film Career

    Ever wondered what it takes to build a film career?

    This forum hopes to shed light on how to start, sustain and/or revive a successful film career.

    Join group to join the discussion.
    led by Romany Malco

  • 2,296

    Healing Energy/Prayers

    Need some healing energy or prayers? Join us and request healing energy for yourself or a loved one. Post your request including as much as the following information that you’d like to share: Name, Pic, location, body area that needs healing.
    led by Sara Sharifi

  • 1,686

    Self Care

    It is so incredibly important to practice self care if not daily, atleast a few times a week. If you want to be the best version of yourself that means taking care of yourself... Mind, Body, and Spirit... How do you practice Self Care? I’ll jump on here to send some inspiration and motivation as a reminder to always take care of YOU!!
    led by Rachel Eglar

  • 2,050

    Ask TJ

    Got questions for Tijuana Jackson? Ask them here and get weekly uploads of Tijuana Jackson, Prison Logic videos.

    Join the group. Join the movement.
    led by Romany Malco

  • 2,219

    Tijuana Jackson

    A place for Tijuanabees to
    Collaborate admire and encourage our fav motivational speaker, Tijuana Jackson.
    led by Rory Johnson

  • 1,393

    LGBTQ+ Network

    A place for encouragement, sharing experiences, asking questions, finding support, and making connections for the LGBTQ+ community. Let's talk about love, life and anything else that matters. #lovewins
    led by LaKeisha Payne