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DarkHer Truth: False Flame

  • It was easier for him to be away from her. He didn't have to face his shadows that way. She was fierce and she always stood for something, especially truth. He was used to getting his way and he had a knack for making her weak. But there were moments when he found himself in her presence different than he had been before. He tried, but not enough, to feel those moments of authenticity that could only be provoked by a girl like her. She was the type of human that bled out for other human beings, that bled out for truth. But he, he was still asleep, drinking her blood, feeding on her vulnerability but never really allowing himself to become intoxicated by her truth serum. It was just easier that way. He didn't have to work for it and he could walk around the world covered in her blood and drunk with lies, never really grasping that ultimately it was his soul that bled out and his soul that was the one eternally dying.

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